What is a GI Psychologist?

A psychologist is a certified medical professional who studies the mind and behavior. Your psychologists are US-licensed and have a doctorate degree in psychology. They also complete post-doctoral training in medical modalities and further specialized training in how to apply these modalities to patients with GI symptoms.

As the healthcare and GI community continue to learn more about gut health and the strong relationship between the gut and brain, we are seeing a greater need for incorporating psychological intervention, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, and other therapeutic modalities, as part of the total GI care plan. You will be able to address core mental health concerns like stress and anxiety that might be contributing to heightened symptoms, as well as learn how to cope with psychological concerns that might be brought on by your GI condition.

What can I expect from my appointments with my Psychologist?
Your GI psychologist will work with you to determine which treatment approach is most appropriate for your specific case and communicate that approach to your broader care team. Your psychologist will help you manage your symptoms and provide you with specific strategies and techniques to do between sessions in order to maximize their effectiveness on the gut-brain connection.